new SASS(optionsopt, configFileopt)


SASS compilation tools.

Wraps SASSCompiler to add linting. If you don't want that, use SASSCompiler directly.

Configures the default include paths for the following popular CSS modules:

  1. Bootstrap (e.g. you can write @import "bootstrap"; in your ".scss" files)
  2. Font Awesome (@import "font-awesome";)
  3. Bootswatch (@import "cosmo/variables"; @import "bootstrap"; @import "cosmo/bootswatch";)

Additionally, if an NPM module contains an _index.scss (or _index.sass, or index.scss, or index.sass) file in its root directory, importing its stylesheets is as easy as: @import "<module name>"; (same as you would import the module in JavaScript).

import {SASS} from 'webcompiler';
// or - import {SASS} from 'webcompiler/lib/SASS';
// or - var SASS = require('webcompiler').SASS;
// or - var SASS = require('webcompiler/lib/SASS').SASS;
import {join} from 'path';

const scssDir = join(__dirname, 'scss'),
  cssDir = join(__dirname, 'css');

const sass = new SASS();

// compile for the browser
sass.fe(join(scssDir, 'style.scss'), join(cssDir, 'style.css'));
Name Type Attributes Default Description
options SASSCompilerConfig <optional>

configuration object

configFile string <optional>

path to the stylelint configuration file


fe(inPath, outPath, lintPathsopt, callbackopt)


Wraps SASSCompiler#fe to add linting

Name Type Attributes Default Description
inPath string

the input file path

outPath string

the output file path

lintPaths Array.<string> <optional>

an array of file globs. Ultimately passed to node-glob to figure out what files you want to lint.

callback function <optional>
function () {}

a callback function

lint(paths, callback)


Performs linting

Name Type Description
paths Array.<string>

an array of file globs. Ultimately passed to node-glob to figure out what files you want to lint.

callback function

a callback function, invoked only when successfully linted