
/* @flow */

import type {ProgramData, ProgramDataCallback, CompilerConfig} from './typedef';
import mkdirp from 'mkdirp';
import {dirname} from 'path';
import {writeFile, readFile} from 'fs';
import {gzip, gunzip} from 'zlib';
import {isProduction} from './util';
import {logError, logSequentialSuccessMessage} from './logger';

const defaultOptions = {
  compress: isProduction

 * The base compiler class
 * @class Compiler
 * @abstract
 * @protected
 * @param {CompilerConfig} [options={}] - configuration object
export class Compiler {

   * configured options
   * @member {CompilerConfig} options
   * @memberof Compiler
   * @private
   * @instance
  options: Object;

  // eslint-disable-next-line require-jsdoc
  constructor(options: CompilerConfig = {}) {
    this.options = {...defaultOptions, ...options};

   * Executed when the compilation is complete
   * @memberOf Compiler
   * @static
   * @method done
   * @param {string}   inPath   - the input path
   * @param {Function} callback - a callback function
  static done(inPath: string, callback: () => void) {
    logSequentialSuccessMessage(`Compiled ${inPath}`);

   * Writes the data to disk and then calls `done`.
   * @memberOf Compiler
   * @static
   * @private
   * @method writeAndCallDone
   * @param {string}      inPath   - the input path
   * @param {string}      outPath  - the output path
   * @param {ProgramData} data     - processed application code with source maps
   * @param {Function}    callback - a callback function
  static writeAndCallDone(inPath: string, outPath: string, data: ProgramData, callback: () => void) {
    Compiler.fsWrite(outPath, data, () => {
      Compiler.done(inPath, callback);

   * Writes the data to disk
   * @memberOf Compiler
   * @static
   * @method fsWrite
   * @param {string}      path     - the output path
   * @param {ProgramData} data     - the data to write
   * @param {Function}    callback - a callback function
   * @return {void}
  static fsWrite(path: string, data: ProgramData, callback: () => void) {
    if (!data.code) {
      return callback();
    Compiler.mkdir(path, () => {
      writeFile(path, data.code, scriptErr => {
        if (scriptErr) {
          return logError(scriptErr);
        if (! {
          return callback();
        writeFile(`${path}.map`,, mapErr => {
          if (mapErr) {
            return logError(mapErr);

   * Recursively creates a directory containing a file specified by `path`.
   * @memberOf Compiler
   * @static
   * @method mkdir
   * @param {string}   path     - a path to a file
   * @param {Function} callback - a callback function
  static mkdir(path: string, callback: () => void) {
    mkdirp(dirname(path), mkdirpErr => {
      if (mkdirpErr) {
        return logError(mkdirpErr);

   * G-zips the compiled code
   * @memberOf Compiler
   * @static
   * @method gzip
   * @param {ProgramData}         data     - the actual program data to gzip
   * @param {ProgramDataCallback} callback - a callback function
   * @return {void}
  static gzip(data: ProgramData, callback: ProgramDataCallback) {
    if (!data.code) {
      return callback(data);

    gzip(data.code, (err, code) => {
      if (err) {
        return logError(err);
      callback({code, map:});

   * Reads the data from disk
   * @memberOf Compiler
   * @private
   * @method fsRead
   * @param {string}              path     - the input path
   * @param {ProgramDataCallback} callback - a callback function
  fsRead(path: string, callback: ProgramDataCallback) {
    readFile(path, (scriptErr, scriptData) => {
      if (scriptErr) {
        return callback({code: '', map: ''});
      readFile(`${path}.map`, 'utf8', (mapErr, mapData) => {
        const map = mapErr ? '' : mapData;

        if (!this.options.compress) {
          return callback({code: scriptData.toString('utf8'), map});

        gunzip(scriptData, (zipErr, zipData) => {
          callback({code: zipErr ? '' : zipData.toString('utf8'), map});

   * G-zips the program if necessary and writes the results to disk.
   * Skips the final write if the contents of the file have not changed since the previous write.
   * Which adds a little overhead at compile time, but at the same time does not alter the last modified timestamp of
   * the file unnecessarily.
   * Good news for someone who is using that timestamp for public cache invalidation.
   * @memberOf Compiler
   * @instance
   * @protected
   * @method save
   * @param {string}      inPath   - the input path
   * @param {string}      outPath  - the output path
   * @param {ProgramData} data     - processed application code with source maps
   * @param {Function}    callback - a callback function
  save(inPath: string, outPath: string, data: ProgramData, callback: () => void) {
    this.fsRead(outPath, oldData => {
      const newData = {
        code: oldData.code === data.code ? '' : data.code,
        map: === ? '' :

      if (!this.options.compress) {
        Compiler.writeAndCallDone(inPath, outPath, newData, callback);

      Compiler.gzip(newData, result => {
        Compiler.writeAndCallDone(inPath, outPath, result, callback);
