Rendering responses

HTML elements that trigger requests can initiate multiple result actions after receiving a server response.

Multiple elements can initiate the same result action, thus triggering the render of a different response under the same action name.

Multiple elements can subscribe to the same result action and render the same server response.

KEML applies the minimum set of DOM mutations necessary to synchronize the document with the server response.

If the server response can be determined to be the same as what is currently rendered in the document, no changes are applied at all.


  1. result specified on an element that performs a request and contains a space separated list of render actions to initiate
  2. error works exactly like result but for situations when the server responds with an unsuccessful status code
  3. render specified on any element, including the same one that triggered the request and contains the render action name to subscribe to
  4. position controls the render strategy to apply to itself:
    • replaceChildren (default) replaces all of the elements' children with the server response
    • replaceWith replaces the element itself with the server response
    • before renders the server response directly before the current element
    • after renders the server response directly after the current element
    • prepend prepends the server response before the first child of the current element
    • append appends the server response after the last child of the current element


  • clicking the button initiates the getUserCount action
  • the button itself subscribes to that action using the on attribute
  • the button sends a "GET" request to "/user-count"
  • upon successfully receiving the response the button initiates the userCount result action
  • the div subscribes to the userCount action and renders the server response into itself
  • the span subscribes to the userCount action and replaces itself with the server response
  click me

<div render="userCount"></div>
