
/* @flow */

 * Processed application code with source maps
 * @typedef {Object} ProgramData
 * @property {string} code - program code
 * @property {string} map  - source map json string
export type ProgramData = {
  code: string;
  map: string;

 * A generic linting error object
 * @typedef {Object} LintError
 * @property {string} file    - the path to a file
 * @property {number} line    - the offending line number
 * @property {number} column  - the offending column number
 * @property {string} message - the error message
 * @property {string} [rule]  - the name of the rule that triggered the error
export type LintError = {
  file: string;
  line: number;
  column: number;
  message: string;
  rule?: string;

 * A PostCSS warning object.
 * @typedef {Object} PostCSSWarning
 * @property {number} column - the offending column number
 * @property {number} line   - the offending line number
 * @property {string} plugin - the name of the plugin that triggered the warning
 * @property {string} text   - the warning message
 * @property {Object} node   - the offending node description
export type PostCSSWarning = {
  column: number;
  line: number;
  plugin: string;
  text: string;
  node: {
    source: {
      input: {
        file: string;

 * A Node SASS error object.
 * @typedef {Object} NodeSassError
 * @property {string} file    - the path to a file
 * @property {number} line    - the offending line number
 * @property {number} column  - the offending column number
 * @property {string} message - the error message
export type NodeSassError = {
  message: string;
  file: string;
  line: number;
  column: number;

 * A configuration object that describes a console output style.
 * @typedef {Object} ConsoleStyleConfig
 * @property {Array<string>} ansi - ansi start and end codes
 * @property {string}        css  - css styles
export type ConsoleStyleConfig = {
  ansi: [string, string];
  css: string;

 * Express application
 * @external ExpressApplication
 * @see {@link http://expressjs.com/en/4x/api.html#app Application}

 * @callback ExpressApplicationCallback
 * @param {external:ExpressApplication} app - Express application
export type ExpressApplicationCallback = (app: ExpressApplication) => void;

 * DevServer configuration object
 * @typedef {Object} DevServerConfig
 * @property {string}                     [style]                - a full system path to a SASS file
 * @property {number}                     [port=3000]            - a port at which to start the dev server
 * @property {boolean}                    [react=true]           - false to disable the react hot loader plugin
 * @property {string}                     [contentBase=CWD]      - a full system path to the server web root
 * @property {ExpressApplicationCallback} [configureApplication] - gives you a chance to configure the underlying
 *                                                                 Express application after the static root has been
 *                                                                 configured, but before the "catch all" route (sends
 *                                                                 the HTML layout) is defined
export type DevServerConfig = {
  style?: string;
  port?: number;
  react?: boolean;
  contentBase?: string;
  configureApplication?: ExpressApplicationCallback;

 * Documentation generator configuration object
 * @typedef {Object} DocumentationConfig
 * @property {string} [inputDir="src"]     - the input application code directory
 * @property {string} [outputDir="docs"]   - the output directory for the generated documentation
 * @property {string} [readMe="README.md"] - the documentation "homepage" (README.md file)
 * @property {string} [template="node_modules/ink-docstrap/template"]      - a full system path to a valid JSDoc3
 *                                                                           template directory
 * @property {string} [jsdocConfig="<webcompiler root>/config/jsdoc.json"] - a full system path to a JSDoc3
 *                                                                           configuration file
export type DocumentationConfig = {
  inputDir?: string;
  outputDir?: string;
  readMe?: string;
  template?: string;
  jsdocConfig?: string;

 * Base compiler configuration object
 * @typedef {Object} CompilerConfig
 * @property {boolean} [compress] - if true {@link Compiler#save} will gzip compress the data
 *                                  (defaults to true in a production mode)
export type CompilerConfig = {
  compress?: boolean;

 * Base compiler configuration object
 * @typedef {Object} JSCompilerConfig
 * @property {boolean} [compress]            - if true {@link Compiler#save} will gzip compress the data
 *                                             (defaults to true in a production mode)
 * @property {string}  [library]             - serves the same purpose as the option with the same name in webpack
 * @property {string}  [libraryTarget="var"] - serves the same purpose as the option with the same name in webpack
export type JSCompilerConfig = {
  compress?: boolean;
  library?: string;
  libraryTarget?: string;

 * Base compiler configuration object
 * @typedef {Object} SASSCompilerConfig
 * @property {boolean}  [compress]        - if true {@link Compiler#save} will gzip compress the data
 *                                          (defaults to true in a production mode)
 * @property {string[]} [includePaths=[]] - add additional include paths (by default includes
 *                                          `'node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets'`,
 *                                          `'node_modules/font-awesome/scss'`, `'node_modules'` and
 *                                          `'node_modules/bootswatch'`)
 * @property {Object}   [importOnce={index: true, css: false, bower: false}] - import once plugin options
export type SASSCompilerConfig = {
  compress?: boolean;
  includePaths?: string[];
  importOnce?: {
    index?: boolean;
    css?: boolean;
    bower?: boolean;

 * @callback ProgramDataCallback
 * @param {ProgramData} data - the program data
export type ProgramDataCallback = (data: ProgramData) => void;

 * @callback LintCallback
 * @param {Array<LintError>} [errors] - a collection of error objects
export type LintCallback = (errors: ?LintError[]) => void;

 * @callback StringOrErrorCallback
 * @param {Error}  [error] - an error object
 * @param {string} result  - the resulting string
export type StringOrErrorCallback = (error: ?Error, result: string) => void;

 * @callback ObjectOrErrorCallback
 * @param {Error}  [error] - an error object
 * @param {Object} result  - the resulting object
export type ObjectOrErrorCallback = (error: ?Error, result: Object) => void;

 * @callback ResultOrErrorCallback
 * @param {Error} [error] - an error object
 * @param {*}     result  - the resulting value
export type ResultOrErrorCallback = (error: ?Error, result: any) => void;

 * Describes a file a change in which was caught.
 * @typedef {Object} WatchmanFile
 * @property {string}  name   - the relative path to a file
 * @property {number}  size   - file size in bytes
 * @property {boolean} exists - true if the file exists
 * @property {string}  type   - e.g. "f"
export type WatchmanFile = {
  name: string;
  size: number;
  exists: boolean;
  type: string;

 * A watchman response object.
 * @typedef {Object} WatchmanResponse
 * @property {string}              root         - the path to the directory being watched
 * @property {string}              subscription - random subscription name
 * @property {Array<WatchmanFile>} files        - an array of file descriptions
export type WatchmanResponse = {
  root: string;
  subscription: string;
  files: WatchmanFile[];

 * @callback WatchCallback
 * @param {WatchmanResponse} response - a watchman response object
export type WatchCallback = (response: WatchmanResponse) => void;

 * @callback LiveReloadTrigger
 * @param {string} [file="*"] - a file to reload (same path as written in the HTML document that includes it) or `"*"`
 *                              for a full page refresh
export type LiveReloadTrigger = (file?: string) => void;