
/* @flow */

import type {LintCallback} from './typedef';
import {join} from 'path';
import forEach from 'lodash/forEach';
import replace from 'lodash/replace';
import {lint} from 'stylelint';
import {logError} from './logger';

/* eslint-disable lodash/prefer-map */

const defaultConfigFile = join(__dirname, '..', '.stylelintrc.yaml');

 * A SASS linter
 * @class SASSLint
 * @param {string} [configFile="webcompiler/.stylelintrc.yaml"] - path to the stylelint configuration file
 * @see {@link stylelint}
 * @example
 * import {SASSLint} from 'webcompiler';
 * // or - import {SASSLint} from 'webcompiler/lib/SASSLint';
 * // or - var SASSLint = require('webcompiler').SASSLint;
 * // or - var SASSLint = require('webcompiler/lib/SASSLint').SASSLint;
 * const linter = new SASSLint();
export class SASSLint {

   * path to the stylelint configuration file
   * @member {string} configFile
   * @memberof SASSLint
   * @private
   * @instance
  configFile: string;

  // eslint-disable-next-line require-jsdoc
  constructor(configFile: string = defaultConfigFile) {
    this.configFile = configFile;

   * Execute the linter
   * @memberof SASSLint
   * @instance
   * @method run
   * @param {Array<string>} paths    - an array of file globs. Ultimately passed to
   *                                   [node-glob]( to figure out what files you
   *                                   want to lint.
   * @param {LintCallback}  callback - a callback function
   * @example
   * import {join} from 'path';
   * import {logLintingErrors} from 'webcompiler';
   * // lint "style.scss" as well as the entire contents of the "sass" directory
   *[join(__dirname, 'style.scss'), join(__dirname, 'sass', '**', '*.scss')], errors => {
   *   if (errors) {
   *     return logLintingErrors(errors);
   *   }
   *   // there were no linting errors
   * });
  run(paths: string[], callback: LintCallback) {
    lint({configFile: this.configFile, files: paths}).then(({results}) => {
      const errors = [];

      forEach(results, ({source: file, warnings}) => {
        forEach(warnings, ({line, column, text, rule}) => {
          errors.push({file, line, column, message: replace(text, new RegExp(`\\s*\\(${rule}\\)$`), ''), rule});
      callback(errors.length ? errors : null);
